PCI DSS Promotional Package

Leveraging PCI DSS Compliance to Grow Your Business

Let Your Customers Know Their Data is Safe With You

You’ve done it! Now that you’ve completed your PCI DSS engagement with us, it’s time to share the news with customers, partners, and other company stakeholders, reassuring them that their payment card data is safe with you. Please use these complimentary materials to get you started.

It’s OK to show off. Share your compliance accomplishment on your social media channels. We’ve created sample social media posts that you can tailor to your organization.

Click to download: .DOCX | .PDF

A press release is a great way to spread the news of your achievement far and wide. Download a sample press release below, update as you see fit, and share with local and tech media, on your blog, and however you communicate with external stakeholders.

Click to download: .DOCX | .PDF

To include a quote from a BARR Advisory representative, please contact our marketing team.

Help current and prospective customers understand what your PCI DSS compliance means for them by publishing a blog post explaining the significance of the achievement. Download a sample blog post below, adjust it to fit your organization, and don’t forget to share the published article on social media.

Click to download: .DOCX | .PDF

A member of your engagement team can provide a quote to include in your press release or blog post. For more information, contact our marketing team.

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